



[1] 智能材料驱动与传感

[2] 超声波与损伤交互机理

[3] 信号处理与智能算法

[4] 材性表征与损伤识别







[1] 国际智能结构健康监测协会ISHMII会员

[2] 结构抗振控制与健康监测学会青年委员

[3] 中国水利学会会员

[4] 中国振动工程学会会员

[5]Structural Health Monitoring: an International Journal》、《ASCE: Journal of Aerospace Engineering》、《水利水运工程学报》等期刊审稿人





[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于应力波的智能骨料相控阵列与混凝土结构健康监测方法研究,51609148,负责人

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于非线性兰姆波的水下闸门面板整体检测理论与方法,52079031,负责人

[3] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,特高坝与近坝山体异常变形驱动机制及安全防控理论和方法,51739003,参与人

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,变化环境荷载作用下高拱坝空间变形监控模型与性态诊断方法研究,51879169,参与人

[5] 国家重点研发计划专题,高寒复杂条件混凝土坝建设与运行安全保障关键技术,2018YFC0406706,负责人

[6] 国家重点研发计划项目,重大水利工程大坝深水检测及突发事件监测预警与应急处置,2016YFC0401600,参与人

[7] 国家重点研发计划项目,大型桥隧结构灾后快速检测评估技术与装备研发,2019YFC150160,参与人

[8] 中国博士后基金面上资助,混凝土中的应力波束成形方法及微小损伤精确定位研究,2017M621609,负责人

[9] NASA and Intelligent Fiber Optic Systems Corp., Structural Health Monitoring with Fiber Bragg Grating and Piezo Arrays (No.: 08-1T2.01-9951), 参与人



[1] Z.J. Wang, P.Z. Qiao, and B.K. Shi, Application of soft-thresholding on the decomposed Lamb wave signals for damage detection of plate-like structures. Measurement, 2016. 88: p. 417-427.

[2] Z.J. Wang and P.Z. Qiao, Backward wave separation method in a single transmitter and multi-receiver sensor array for improved damage identification of two-dimensional structures. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2017. 26 (2): p. 229-250.

[3] Z.J. Wang, P.Z. Qiao, and B.K. Shi, Nonpenetrating Damage Identification Using Hybrid Lamb Wave Modes from Hilbert-Huang Spectrum in Thin-Walled Structures. Shock and Vibration, 2017: p. 11.

[4] Z.J. Wang, P.Z. Qiao, and B.K. Shi, A comprehensive study on active Lamb wave-based damage identification for plate-type structures. Smart Structures and Systems, 2017. 20 (6): p. 759-767.

[5] Z.J. Wang, P.Z. Qiao, and B.K. Shi, Effective time-frequency characterization of Lamb wave dispersion in plate-like structures with non-reflecting boundaries. Smart Structures and Systems, 2018. 21 (2): p. 195-205.

[6] Z.J. Wang, L. Wei, and M.S. Cao, Damage Quantification with Embedded Piezoelectric Aggregates Based on Wavelet Packet Energy Analysis. Sensors, 2019. 19 (2): 20.

[7] B.K. ShiZ.J. Wang*, Baseline-free delamination identification for composite cantilever beams based on high-order modal parameters in approximate waveform capacity dimension, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2019, 141(6): 061015.

[8] H.L. Jia, Z.J. Wang*, M.S. Cao, and J. Li, Damage identification in cantilever beams based on high-order frequency response function with improved sensitivity, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2020

[9] L. Wei, Z.J. Wang*, M.S. Cao and R.H. Fu, Concrete strength monitoring based on the variation of ultrasonic waveform acquired by piezoelectric aggregates, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2020



[1] 一种重力坝深水水下机器人自身定位系统及识别方法,2018,中国,ZL201810101724.3

[2] 一种水浸混凝土强度的非接触式无损检测方法,2019,中国,201910467363.9

[3] 一种基于动力指纹的桥面板损伤识别方法,2020,中国,202010053041.2

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