夏 琪








夏琪,男,中共党员,湖北江陵人,工学博士,美高梅棋牌官网入口讲师,硕导。20176月毕业于东南大学土木工程专业(导师张建教授),获工学博士学位。20179月至20209月在香港理工大学从事博士后科研工作(导师夏勇教授),期间兼任香港理工大学深圳研究院特聘助理研究员。202010月起就职于美高梅棋牌官网入口。目前从事高速铁路桥梁智能建造/安全运维/监测评估,大跨及高耸结构温度特性分析,基于冲击振动的桥梁性能快速评估等研究;发表SCI学术论文二十余篇,最佳论文1篇,Top cited 1篇,单篇最高他引50次,总引次数300余次,h-index 10;主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,江苏省高层次创新创业人才计划项目1项;作为项目骨干参与科技部重点研发计划2项(子课题负责人1项),省重点专项4项;参与了港珠澳大桥、沪苏通大桥、富春江大桥、苏通大桥、江阴大桥、香港理工大学人行桥等检监测项目;相关成果获SCI国际期刊土木工程结构健康监测 (JCSHM) 2018年度最佳论文奖(第一作者,每年仅1篇)、获国际智能基础设施结构健康监测学会(ISHMII颁发Aftab Mufti奖章;授权国家发明专利5项、美国发明专利1项(均排第二,导师第一);任ISHMII青年委员会 (ECR-ISHMII) 委员;任SCHMASE等期刊审稿人。


1.        ASCE “美国土木工程协会副会员

2.        ISHMII “国际智能基础设施结构健康监测学会会员

3.        ECR-ISHMII “国际智能基础设施结构健康监测学会青年委员会委员

4.        Sustainability, IF 3.889Editorial Board






1.      纵向:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(52208305),复杂温度条件下高速铁路桥轨系统变形映射解析模型研究,2023.01-2025.1230万,进行中.

2.      纵向:江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(BK202208**)2022.07-2025.0620万,进行中.

3.      纵向:“十四五”国家重点研发计划,工程建造云边端数据协同机制与一体化建模关键技术2022YFC38017002022.11-2025.10,子课题负责人,100,进行中.

4.      纵向:江苏省高层次创新创业人才计划项目(JSSCBS202101**)2021.07-2023.06,进行中.

5.      纵向:教育部产学合作协同育人项目(教改项目)2022.06-2023.06,进行中.

6.      纵向:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,2021-2022,结题.

7.      纵向:江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目 (KYLX15_0085)2015-2016 ,结题.

8.      横向:针对工程物项安装的智能质量检测技术开发,2022,进行中.

9.      横向:基于激光雷达的三维重建测量与检测技术研究,2022,进行中.

10.   横向:富春江特大桥高低塔斜拉桥变形机理分析、测量与控制,2022,进行中.

11.   横向:预制装配式结构灌浆密实度与内部缺陷快速智能检测关键技术,2022,进行中.



1.      纵向:武警部队装备预研项目,2023-2025进行中.

2.      纵向:粤港澳大湾区港珠澳大桥工程安全交通运输行业野外观测研究基地,2021-2025进行中.

3.      纵向:国家重点研发专项,港珠澳大桥智能化运维技术集成应用,2019YFB16007002020-2023,项目骨干,进行中.

4.      横向:將軍澳跨灣連接路的結構施工監控與運營健康監測服務,2019-2021结题.

5.      横向:Analysis System Integration and Visualization of PolyU Footbridge Academic Collaboration2018-2019结题.



1.     Xia Qi, Zhou Yi-cheng, Cheng Yu-yao, Zhang Jian*. (2023). Hinge joints performance assessment of a PC hollow slab bridge based on impact vibration testing. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Article ID 1834669.

2.     Xia Qi, Wu WL, Li FN, Zhou XQ, Xu YL and Xia Y*. (2022).Temperature behaviors of an arch bridge through integration of field monitoring and unified numerical simulation. Advances in Structural Engineering.

3.     Xia Qi, Wu WL, Li FN, Xia Y*, Ding XL, Lam WHK, Chung WH and Xu YL. (2021). System design and demonstration of performance monitoring of a butterfly-shaped arch footbridge. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2738.

4.     Xia Qi, Tian YD, Cai DX, Zhang J*. (2020). Structural flexibility identification and fast-Bayesian-based uncertainty quantification of a cable stayed bridge. Engineering Structures, 214, 110616.

5.     Xia Qi, Xia Y, Wan HP*, Zhang J, Ren WX. (2020). Condition analysis of expansion joints of a long-span suspension bridge through metamodel-based model updating considering thermal effect. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2521.

6.     Xia Qi, Liu SL, Zhang J*. (2020). Temperature analysis of a long-span suspension bridge based on a time-varying solar radiation model. Smart Structures and Systems.25(1):23-35.

7.     Xia Qi, Zhou LM, Zhang J*. (2018). Thermal performance analysis of a long-span suspension bridge using long-term monitoring data. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 8(4):543-553.

8.     Xia Qi, Cheng YY, Zhang J*, Zhu FQ. (2017). In-service condition assessment of a long span suspension bridge using temperature induced strain data. (ASCE) Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(3):04016124.

9.     Xia Qi, Zhang J*, Tian YD, Zhang YF. (2017). Experimental study of thermal effects on a long span suspension bridge. (ASCE) Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(7):04017034.

10.    Xia Qi, Wu JJ, Zhu ZW, Zhang J*. (2017). Experimental study of vibration characteristics of FRP cables based on long-gauge strain. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 63(6):735-742.

11.    Xia Qi, Tian YD, Zhu XW, Zhang J*. (2015). Structural damage detection by principle component analysis of long-gauge dynamic strains. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 54(2), 379-392.

12.    Hu YD, Xia Qi*(通讯作者), Hou RR, Xia Y and Yan JY. (2021). Computer vision-based displacement measurement with m-sequence target. Smart Structures and Systems.27(3):537-546.

13.    Hu YD, Hou RR, Xia Qi*(通讯作者), Xia Y. (2019). Temperature-induced displacement of supertall structures: A case study. Advances in Structural Engineering. 22(4):982-996.

14.    Zhang J *, Xia Qi, Wu ZS, Cheng YY. (2015). Strain flexibility identification of bridges from long-gauge strain measurements. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 62-73, 272-283





2018年,获SCI国际期刊土木工程结构健康监测 (JCSHM) 年度最佳论文奖(第一作者,每年仅1),并授予Aftab Mufti奖章。



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